Beatrice Pediconi: 9’/ Unlimited

Fondazione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia

Beatrice Pediconi (Born 1972 in Rome) exhibits he new work now realized for the Maramotti Collection entitled 9’/ Unlimited.Beatrice Pediconi work charged with mystery and amazement and at the same time aspires to couple the scientific observation of the behavior of materials and the capacity to reproduce them with a state of creative freedom in which the image is shifted onto planes of perception quite different from those to which traditional painting has accustomed us. Her praxis finds its basis in the fragility of vision and its transformation.In 9’/ Unlimited, Beatrice Pediconi presents the challenge of polaroid photography together with large-scale images taken with a Large Format View Camera. This image has been taken in the course of a true and proper performative process that devolves on a spirit of alchemy and its potential photographic registration, Pediconi has also created an environment, a space that becomes a vessel which the visitor is invited to enter.9’/ Unlimited is accompanied by an artist’s book that captures the flow of images (polaroids and video stills) of the artist in dialog with three incisive interventions: a haiku by the Japanese poet Momoko Kuroda, a musical score by the Roman composer Lucio Gregoretti, and a mysteric chemical formula devised by Andrea Lerwill, a British engineer whose specialization lies in the sciences of conservation. These collaborations constitute true and proper linguistic interweavings in which poetry, music, chemistry and the visual arts reciprocally amplify the mystery of an act of exploration and contemplation.Private view, by invitation only: 5 October 2013, at 6.00pm. The artist will be present.
Beatrice Pediconi

Open:Sunday, 06 October 2013
Close:Friday, 31 January 2014
Address:Collezione Maramotti, Via Fratelli Cervi 66 42124 Reggio Emilia – Italy
Phone: +39 0522 382484
Web:Fondazione Maramotti
Opening hour:Thursday–Friday 2:30–6:30pm; Saturday–Sunday 10:30am–6:30pm
Closing day:Closed: 25–26 December; 1 & 6 January
Photo credits:Beatrice Pediconi: 
 Courtesy Beatrice Pediconi and Collezione Maramotti, Beatrice Pediconi Portrait by Seth Sebal

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