Pasolini Roma

After Barcelona CCCB and Paris Cinémathèque Française, Pasolini Roma arrives to the Italian Capital, before heading to Berlin in September. This exhibition is quite an event in Rome, as for Pasolini the city was much more than a stage set for his films or the city where he lived in. 

Pasolini‘s relationship with Rome was passionate, a true love-hate relationship, with times when he adored it and times when he loathed and rejected it, times when all he could think of was escaping from its clutches and times when he yearned to get back. 

In Rome though Pasolini has never been celebrated as much as in Paris, for example, where until 2012 there was even a cinema called “Accattone” which screened his films. On the contrary, in Italy, in general, Pasolini’s work was never so visible and celebrated and has quite often suffered from some kind of unspoken censorship.

The difficult circumstances surrounding Pasolini arrival in Rome threw him head-first into a world and a language that didn’t belong to him, that belonged to the down-and-outs in the suburbs where his precarious financial situation forced him to dwell. His discovery of this totally new world was to prove a powerful source of inspiration for him, and it was there that he found the subject matter for his first novels and films without even really having to look. 

Later on in the career of Pasolini, Rome became a priority vantage point, a permanent field of study, thought and action. It was also to be the setting for the persecution visited on him from all quarters of the establishment, and for the harrassment he was to suffer at the hands of the media as they turned him into a scapegoat, into the man who had to be destroyed at all costs because he was so different and because he held such radical views on Italian society.

Much more than simply an exhibition of documents, images and videos the Palazzo delle Esposizioni is giving the chance to the roman audience to see the whole cinematography of Pasolini.

The italian artist, director, and poet, finds in cinema the language to be bound to reality without filters and the result is a shocking revolution in the landscape of our culture: “Accattone”, “Mamma Roma”, “Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo”, “Ucellacci Ucellini”, “Teorema”, are some of the most famous films which will be screened for free from April to May. Together with the cinematographic retrospective Palazzo delle Esposizioni will host also many public meetings among intellectuals, writers, and actors to remember, discuss and analyse Pasolini artistic production.

Pasolini Roma is an homage which was much anticipated and that eventually arrives to celebrate him in the city where he lived work and died.

  • Artists:
    Pierpaolo Pasolini
  • Open:
    Tuesday, 15 April 2014
  • Close:
    Sunday, 20 July 2014
  • Address:
    Via Nazionale, 194 Roma
  • Web:
    Palazzo delle Esposizioni
  • Opening hour:
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Friday, Saturday: 10:00 am – 10:30 pm Sunday: 10:00 am – 8:00 p
  • Closing day:

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