M9/Transforming the city

This year, as construction works commence, Fondazione di Venezia discloses the executive project that comprises an area of 9,200 m2 in Venezia Mestre.

M9 comprises a heterogeneous cluster of buildings: the newly built museum, a restored former convent from the sixteenth century and a renovated 1960s office building. The museum, the first in Europe entirely devoted to the history and culture of the Twentieth Century, consists of a main volume together with a smaller service and administration building. The buildings are carefully harmonised with their environment in scale, proportion, materiality and colour, such that they blend with the fabric of the city. Chromatic coherence is offered by the ceramic façade cladding whose polychromy is drawn from historical plasterwork in the surroundings. Between the two main buildings, a plaza creates a common focus that invites pedestrians into a new route through the fabric of the city.

The main building houses the public functions of the Museum – the permanent exhibition about the history in the Twentieth Century, a gallery for temporary exhibitions, educational spaces, a media library, a lecture theatre, a café, bookshop and the foyer.

Fondazione di Venezia intends to create a narrative and interactive museum, a continually changing institution that will be dedicated to physical and virtual visitors as active protagonists of the museum, thanks to multi-sensory equipment that will form part of the exhibition. The core of the architectural project will combine excellent gallery conditions with advanced sustainable solutions and the sensual architecture that is the signature style of Sauerbruch Hutton‘s studio. M9 will be one of the first museums in Italy LEED Gold certified.

Special Event:

5 Jun, 10am – 5pm | Press preview with the curators

5 Jun, 6pm – 9pm | Opening


Louisa Hutton, Matthias Sauerbruch

  • Open:
    Saturday, 07 June 2014
  • Close:
    Sunday, 28 September 2014
  • Address:
    Dorsoduro, Rio Novo 3488/U, Venice
  • Mail:
  • Phone:
    +41 2201211
  • Web:
    Fondazione di Venezia
  • Opening hour:
    Mon – Fri | 10am – 8pm; Sat | 10am – 5pm
  • Closing day:
  • Admission:
  • Photo credits:
    Courtesy of Fondazione di Venezia
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