Carla Accardi: Losing the threads of voice

Alex Mylona-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens

Denys Zacharopoulos writes in his text: “Today Carla Accardi, has to be considered as a major artist of our time, giving to a European history of the post-war painting and artistic trends a very rich and versatile temperament and multiple and challenging profile. Her achievements, the steps and stations of her career count within the history of art. Nevertheless the extension of her work, the subtlety and the intensity of her expression and the quality and authenticity of her paintings offer a wide horizon to the contemporary viewer and art lover to follow. Over the years, her painting is more and more individual. She uses with great freedom, the formal elements of analysis she has invented and redefines in her more recent work, throughout this perspective a new poetic dimention in painting. To do so Carla Accardi invites us to engage our eyes, our mind, our body, our movement, our feeling in space and in time, our relation to the other, and our tendency to go out of ourselves and encounter the open world. Wise and rational, her work is gay and joyful, bright and brilliant, full of temperament, light and hope. It is the most welcome among all the messages we can receive, from a person that has already achieved the way out of the darkness, of the war, of misery, of fascism, of individual and social crisis, in the last century. A message, which offers space and vision to a younger generation threatened again to experience darkness and misery. Carla Accardi, younger than ever, faces the future with no wrinkle. Her painting sets the motives which allow a person to look afar in time and space and face clarity.”

Carla Accardi (born Trapani, 1924) is the only female artist of the Forma 1 group and one of the most significant representatives of abstract art in Italy. She managed to constantly refresh her artistic research, while staying faithful to her unparalleled style. For 60 years, her creative path has been characterized by a rigorous but also joyful expression of freedom. She explored both two- dimensional painting and the volumes of sculpture and architecture, while being in a constant dialogue with the matter. Carla Accardi lives and works in Rome. 

The Exhibition Cara Accardi: Smarrire i fili della voce – Losing the threads of voice is organised by the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and the Italian Cultural Institute of Athens under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in Athens.

Curators: Laura Cherubini and Maria Rosa Sossai
Opening: Friday, November 15, 20:00
Press Preview: Friday, November 15, 19:00

  • Artists:
    Carla Accardi
  • Open:
    Friday, 15 November 2013
  • Close:
    Sunday, 09 February 2014
  • Address:
    5, Agion Asomaton Square, Thisio, Athens
  • Phone:
    +30 210 3215717
  • Web:
    Alex Mylona-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens
  • Photo credits:
    Carla Accardi: 1. Smarrire I fili della voce, Vinyl on canvas, Farnesina Arte collection, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome; 2. Identita Ignote, 2012, Vinyl on canvas Private Collection; 3. Si dividono invano – bozzetto, 2006, Private Collection. All photos are Courtesy of MAM Tessaloniki
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