Melbourne Now

Melbourne, Australia   Melbourne Now, a huge, and hugely ambitious, cross-disciplinary exhibition has opened at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), occupying both the Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, NGV International, as well as several sites across the city. Over 300 artists and designers are represented, with 175 individual and group presentations. These include a …

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Moataz Nasr: The journey of a Griffin and Harmonia

Centro Espositivo SMS San Michele degli Scalzi and Villa Pacchiani, Tuscany, Italy The exhibition Moataz Nasr. A bridge between Pisa and Santa Croce sull’Arno is held at the Centro Espositivo SMS San Michele degli Scalzi, in Pisa, and at Villa Pacchiani, in Santa Croce sull’Arno. The project, curated by Ilaria Mariotti, has been carried out by …

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Macho Man, Tell it to my Heart: Collected by Julie Ault

Artists Space, New York   Macho Man, Tell it to my Heart: Collected by Julie Ault is an exhibition of works selected from the collection of Julie Ault. As a founding member of the artists’ collaborative Group Material (1979-1996), and as artist, curator, writer and editor,Ault’s dense practice and its roots in long-standing friendships with …

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Il New York Times sedotto da Napoli: “Città ai confini tra la vita e la morte”

Fonte: FANPAGE  “Vedi Napoli e poi muori”: devono averlo pensato anche al New York Times dopo aver letto il bellissimo reportage realizzato da Rachel Donadio, corrispondente specializzata in “cultura europea” di stanza a Roma fino a qualche mese fa, e successivamente trasferita a Parigi. La giornalista ha mandato “alle stampe” un racconto di Napoli nel …

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Carceri il decreto arriva in Cdm: 3mila detenuti in meno

Fonte: FANPAGE Se a questa cifra si aggiungono i 4mila usciti per le precedenti misure, il totale sale a 7 mila. Cancellieri: “Ci saranno misure per favorire la cura dei tossicodipendenti in comunità di recupero, consentendo anche ai tossicodipendenti recidivi di partecipare a programmi di recupero alternativi”. “Martedì (oggi – ndr) porteremo in Consiglio dei …

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