Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe: Black Like Me

- DATA FINE: 07/03/2020

- LUOGO: LOS ANGELES - Roberts Projects

- INDIRIZZO: 5801 Washington Boulevard Culver City, California 90232

Prima mostra negli Stati Uniti dell’artista ghanese Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe le cui opere rappresentano la forza della cultura africana

Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe: Black Like Me


Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe: Black Like Me
Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe: Black Like Me


Roberts Projects è stata fondata a Los Angeles nel 1999.

Attualmente occupa una ex fabbrica di torrefazione nel distretto artistico di Culver City di Los Angeles, spazio ampio anche  per esposizioni temporanee.

Roberts Projects espone e commissiona opere di artisti sia affermati a livello internazionale che emergenti.

Ogni strumento usato per realizzare un’opera è presente in galleria: disegno, pittura, scultura, fotografia, film e performance.

Fino al 7 marzo la galleria propone la prima mostra negli Stati Uniti dell’artista ghanese Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe.

Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe è nato nella regione della Grande Accra, in Ghana.

Ha frequentato il Ghanatta College of Art and Design for Fine Art, con particolare attenzione alla pittura.

Attualmente vive e lavora a Gresham, nell’Oregon.

La figurazione di Quaicoe si basa su una tavolozza di colori in cui il colore diventa il suo linguaggio di trasformazione, sia esso sociale, politico o personale.

Le sue sono immagini di empowerment e redenzione, raffinatezza e umiltà, curiosità e calma.

Ogni figura diventa un simbolo del recupero della dignità culturale, abbracciando l’idea di origine e la narrazione personale in relazione al genere e alle dinamiche di razza.

Il fatto che siano poste in pose di derivazione classica serve solo a rafforzare la narrazione costruita dall’artista.

L’artista vuole rappresentare il potere e la forza insiti nella cultura africana.

I suoi dipinti ad olio sono lussureggianti e luminosi e rappresentano uomini e donne, moltidei quali che sono amici e colleghi.

Da martedì a sabato dalle ore 11.00 alle ore 18.00
Domenica e lunedì chiuso

1 thought on “Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe: Black Like Me

  1. Darrell Urban Black, is an American visual artist presently living in Frankfurt, Germany. He works in a variety of formats that include Pen and Ink drawings acrylic paintings on canvas wood and Mixed media objects. His creative process is a mixture of works on paper, acrylic paint, found objects and non toxic hot glue which creates a three-dimensional effect on any surface that gives a sense of realism and presence in his artwork. Darrell, refers to this optical artistic illusion as “Definism” in his opinion, Definism, portrays various differences in human nature from life’s everyday dramas to humankind’s quest to under-standing self. “My artworks transport viewers from the doldrums of their daily reality to a visual interpretation of another reality.”

    Darrell Urban Black born in Brooklyn, New York, grew up in Far Rockaway and Brentwood Long Island New York. In high school, he excelled in science with an affinity for outer space. In June 1969, as America fulfilled J. F. Kennedy’s dream to put the American Stars and Stripes into the dusty surface of the moon Darrell’s fascination with spaceships grew. As a child he made spaceship models eventually placing his artistic visions on paper resulting in some 500 drawings. Phantasmal spaceships that eventually carried Darrell to a unique wonderland of strange forms and colors.

    In 1982, he joined the National Guard. During this time his previous drawings were lost – but not his passion. In 1988, Darrell, joined the US Army and served another four years. Earned his Bachelor Degree in Science of Criminal Justice Administration at the University of Phoenix. In April 2001, Darrell, was nominated by the German government as a “candidate of the year’s prize for promising young artists” for his artwork titled “The Invasion” in the exhibition “The Zeppelin in Art, Design, and Advertisement,” shown between May and July 30, 2000, in the Frankfurt International Airport. Another piece referenced in the nomination letter, was titled “The Cosmic Shroud,” executed with a unique glue and acrylic on linen technique. The image was described as “universally appealing and representing a topic which concerns all of us – The Universe.” Darrell, had many local, national and international group art exhibitions. He has artwork permanently displayed in a number of art Galleries, Museums and other Institutions Worldwide. Darrell’s artwork has also been displayed on billboard in New York’s Times Square for the exhibition titled: “SeeMe Takes over Times Square 2014”

    Darrell lives in Frankfurt, Germany and continues to draw and paint in pursuit of his artistic dreams. He’s a member of the Veteran Artist Program abroad (EuroVAP).


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