
‘Modernity – loved, hated or ignored?’ is the title of the exhibition curated by Stéphane Laruade, Bohumil Kostohryz, Sophie Langevin, Nuno Lucas Da Costa and organized by Fondation de L’Architecture et de l’Ingénierie au Luxembourg for theLuxembourg national Participation at 2014 Venice Biennale.

In the curators’ statement it can be read: “How has modernity come to dominate everyday experience? How do we view the buildings that we pass every day? Do we reject them or embrace them? Or are we merely indifferent to them?

Like special agent Dale Cooper arriving in unknown territory in the small border town of Twin Peaks in the famous TV series by David Lynch, Jane Doe arrives in Luxembourg, where five investigations await her. Each investigation has the same goal, that of retracing the meandering path followed by human beings in their insatiable quest for modernity. This journey through space and time is an encounter with progress and resistance, openness and withdrawal.

In contrast with contemporary amnesia, the goal is to resurrect events that formed the memory of a place by means of press reports, personal accounts and documents retrieved from archives. The pieces of evidence gathered in the course of the investigation combine to form parallel stories which are ultimately combined to form a huge puzzle.”

The exhibition will be hosted in the spaces of the Palace Ca’ del Duca, Corte del Duca Sforza, San Marco 3052.

Vernissage June 6th, 7pm.

  • Open:
    Saturday, 07 June 2014
  • Close:
    Sunday, 23 November 2014
  • Address:
    Ca’ del Duca, Corte del Duca Sforza, San Marco 3052, 30121 Venice
  • Web:
    Modernity-Loved, Hated or Ignored?
  • Opening hour:
    11am – 7pm
  • Closing day:
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